Sunday, December 28, 2008

The First Film of Christmas: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

This movie is FREAKING DOPE!!... I couldn't enjoy it FULLY... bc I KEPT thinking to myself.. " how is all this going to end.. " how AWSOME.. is this movie REALLY going to be!?...."

but in the end it DEFAINTLEY is awsome.. im not saying.. you know like.... I cried.. a bunch of times....or.. u know...anything like that.... but..

fellaz.. if your takin your chicks to see this. you may want to like.. see it B4?!.. hand.. so that you know.. like.. when the sad scenes come up or what not?.. like.. YOU wont be all like..

" nah.. girl..... Its the onions.. in my popcorn.. thats all"..

Anyways.... Brad Pitt.. did a FANTASTIC JOB!... how do you act like a 95 year old man with the intellect of a 5 year old?....

ME NIETHER!!??... but apparently Brad Pitt knows!!..

also that chick um... Kate Blanchet.. was looking REALLLY good... when she was suposed to... great on screen chemistry..
this is going to be like... Brad Pitts " Forest Gump" or.... whatever " Big Fish" was to " Tim Burton"..

Granted I dont have a billion dollar Button Factory.. but this movie REALLY makes me want to like.. live life to its Fullest and dump Jennifer Anniston and get with Angelina Jolie!!!

.. oh wait..

thats the curious case of "Brad Button"


this is just a beautifully written, wonderfully told.. slightly crazy.. but excellently presented story.




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