Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wher've YOU been?

Hey Zia.. where've you BEEN?!


dont even COME at me like that man.. i've had the CRAZIEST Thanksgiving weekend EVER!!!

Wednesday: met up w/ Umer and some of his Cousins along with a couple of our other friends to take in an evening " Tour" of some of SFs high points.. (er low points).. depending on your defenition of fun..

I get home at like 4AM!

Thursday: (thanksgiving) was DOPE!!.. I had 'ol Pre-natal Pals Salah And Raza come through to the crib ( for the first time) for some Good a Good 'ol Fashion Indian Thanksgiving!!.. ( oh you mean you guys got your land stolen from you for 30 cents and were forced into slavery by the white man until you caught a Disease and died?)..


sort of.

LOL nah!!

My mom cooked up some chicken and we had some Pumpkin Pie.. ( which I think im addicted to... i think i may have to see a pumpk-ologist).... * Great Stock Tip invet in Pumpkins towards the end of the year!*

but forreal... it was tight!... and we got to my favorite thing.. WATCH TV!!.. James Bond specifically... for some reasons James Bond Films are always released in November.. this prompts televisions stations to play older Bond movies to generate interest.

and it aaaaaaaaaaaal benefits ME!.. your low brow Movie Goer!

you seee.. the Lowest Common Denominator Movie Goer EXPECTS certain things from their movie going experience. Since the Average price of a Movie ticket is approx. $10.00 bucks I have listed out 10 points that need to be in a movie. each thing showin is worth a dollar:

1.) Guns
2.) Explosins
3.) Fast Cars; or Cars going fast; or Fast Cars going slow
4.) Girls
5.) Catchy Tag Lines or Catch Phrases ex: I'll be Back; THIS WHOLE COURT ROOM IS OUT OF ORDER!!!
6.) Girls
7.) Robots
8.) Girls
9.) Martial Arts

*That is All*


so We Watched Daniel Craigs James Bond intorduction in Casino Royale; and my buddy Raza is like a James Bond GENIUS!.. so i learned HELLLA new info about him!!

then we were fortunate enough to actually GO SEE the second Bond!!... in Theatres which was great bc the same plot literally continues through both Movies...

so anywyas... i get home from the movies at midnight..

BLACK FRIDAY: im UP at 3AM!!.. to be at my Buddy Leonels house to shoot our black Friday Video at 4am!!!.. btw?... this video is going to be DOPE!!!

then i catch a HOUR sleep before heading to Umers Mhendi!.. that I was fortunate enough to host!!.. it was a REALLY good time.. and i FINALLY got to do our coregraphed DANCE..t hat i've had to keep a secret form all yall ( as well as umer) for about a MONTH!

eitherway.. the evening was DOPE and went off w/o a hitch!!!

SATURDAY... barley woke my @ss up.. got a hair cut and roled down to Sac for Umers wedding part 2!!.. aww man.. some of the BEST food; and classiest decorations i've EVER SEEEEN!!!


actually RODE back up w/ Umer and the new wife.. ( awkward?)... you might think so..

but nah..

it was awsome!!!

so to answer your questions.

THATS.. where i've been!


*more reviews comming soon*

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