Tuesday, December 9, 2008

You Know its Eid When

1.) Its 9am on a Tuesday, and your not at work.

2.) You go to grab your car keys and wallet and realize your kurta shalvar has no pockets.

3.) You're wearing clothes designed for the scorching desserts of Arabia in 34 degree Brooklyn NY weather.

4.) You tell your job you need tomorrow off for a religious holiday ( and your not lying).

5.) You're super paranoid about leaving your $145.oo Air Jordan Sneaker alone in the midst of everyone elses shoes ( you promise them you'll be back)

6.) Today is the day your mom finally makes that 10 course breakfast your always begging her for and your 20 minutes late to Eid Prayer! ( you eat it anyways)

7.) Your local Imam commands you to have a good time today and only mentions Hell fire 47 times.

8.) You start to get a little nervous as your dad keeps mentioning what Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) did to Profit Ismaeel (peace be upon him) * you remind yourself to hide the kitchen knives when you get home...

9.) For once your actually lowering your gaze trying NOT to check out women... ( nice floor .. what is this Linoleum?)

10.) Your "Fergie";"My Humps" ring tone goes off when you are in Sajda (what you goin do with all that junk inside that trunk? *ohhhhhhhh DEEEAAAARR!!!*Hans Moleman)

11.) You think Osama Bin Laden just told you not to wear jeans to the Mosque; and you think Sadaam Hussain just told you you should have been married 3 years ago

12.) You're walking around your local convention center barefoot

13.) the "triple hug" rears its awkwardly hilarious head

14.) At the local Burger King everyone assumes you to be the King of Za-Moonda, or more likely a Terrorist (either way your Whopper Jr. is only a buck...) - The Whooper Jr. is ALWAYS ONLY A BUCK, ZIA!!



15.) When the Imam says "Allah- Ho-Aqbar" in the second rakat; you go into rookoo instead of raising your hands to your ears (Doh!)

16.) Your Forty Minutes late to Namaz and your the first one there...

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