Monday, March 29, 2010

How to Train Your Dragon: The Review

b4 you start commin at me all sideways talkin like " ahhh that movie is for kids you giant baby; how you gonna see that!!!".... please allow me to rebuttle with the following argument:

"SHUT UP!!! YOU JERK!!!! calling ME a BABY when 10 min ago... week you were wearing Footie Pajamas!!.....

and dont play the old " orthopedic jumpsuit" card with me!!! it had kittens on it"

seriously though where did you get that from?... it was soooo cute!!

marshals really?.. do you think they'll have my size?
I mean.. my waist is a bit bigger than yours.. aughh i SWEAR i HATE your figure its so...
(Im Twenty Swevwon Yeews Ode)
Anyways.... How can you NOT see something called " How to Train your Dragon" I mean c'mon.. when you were 9 that was the coolest idea EVER!!!

PLus whats gonna happen if you see a dragon right now?!!.. if you didn't see this movie... you're going to have NO CLUE what to do!

anyways!!!... it was a cool flick.... I always say; if your tryna put out a movie; you need to tell a story about ONE thing and ONE thing only. Also I always say if your going to travel back in time dont TOUCH anything. Any minor change in the past can GREATLY EFFECT THE FUTURE!!!!

( Jumpin Jigga-WATS!!!!)

...... what was i talking about?

OH YES!!!! movies!

okay so........ a movie can only REALLY tell one story; but in THIS flick you've got these Vikings; and this whole viking culture which you're trying to explain; THEN you've got these dragon battle training sessions; OH ALSO dont forget about the little boy interacting with a Dragon doing a " field study" and LASTLY you've got your whole dragon culture.

I mean it KINDA worked but all the above mentioned things are story that take time AWAY from the meat of the flim (or for you vegetarians the Soy of the flim) ...wich is the boys relationship with his dragon.

(This Movie is Missing Something; .."oh is it missing meat"?-No.. its missing being GOOD!... That really didn't make sense)

so... yeah..... alot of time needed to build heart; and invest emotionally in the main characters were sort of eaten by these additional side stories ( if that make sense)

They did some really cool things animation wise as far as the way the MAIN dragon looked and how his movements seemd to be inspired alot from cats (no the musical.... )

the OTHER dragsons however looked a bit goofy and overly playful.

I mean if you're going to tell a story about savages killing horrid beasts slap on an R or at LEAST PG rating and show a little bit of violence and some cool scary action sequences? Or take it to the MAX and make it rated X; forget about the dragons all together and see if Jenna Jameson is available.

(not like i know who that is or whatevers)

(How To Train Your Dragon: As seen with NC17 Glasses )

I dont know i think inheritntly the subject matter of the film is a little too difficult to be a childrens film.

Daym Zia you haytin on this movie that much?

okay jack ass... you didn't let me finish!

it wasn't ENTIRELY bad; there were some cool parts; I really liked the scenes when the kid was riding the dragon; and some of the jokes were kinda fun

" the only thing you need to change is ... ahhhh this"

" you just gestured to ALL OF ME!"

aughh also Gerard Butler reprises his 300 Voice to be the main characters father in the movie so THAT was cool; but i dont know i really felt like the animation was soooo overly... intricate?.. i mean there were beard hairs ;crazy hats; really big arms and an overly big wooly cape...

it was just too much going on for one character; and it just made it a little harder to get into.

Also the last action sequence was slightly confusing; but up; alla the aronautics ( is that a word?) seemed really accurate and fun to watch.

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as a whole?

descent movie; but your not even TOUCHING movies like "Up" or "Toy Story" or "Wall-E"

3 tame-able dragons outta 5.

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