Monday, March 29, 2010

Ovo: The Review

Aughhh I know.... Everyones prettty much already scene it; and the circus has left town; so theres no real point in even TALKING about it.

but HEY!... when your un -employed and living at home with your parents in Tracy; anything thats not shooting empty cans of RC cola with a Bebe guns or working on my new clothing line with good 'ol boys Jim Bob and Cousin Earl; pretty much seems like a good use of time.

(Our New Fall Line will be available in the Greater Tracy Area)

Anyways; just an FYI this is not the type of circus where a bear wears a little fez cap and rides around on a uni-cycle ( unforunatley)

its also not the type of circus where women take their clothes of for money. (unforunatley)

it ISSS the type of circus where gymnastis and acrobats show case their amazing talents through insane athletics while telling a loosley put together story about a bug? that loses his egg.. er "Ovo?"

(if you'll look to the far left you'll see the turtle neck nerd bug and to its right the lezbian manits moth)

anyways... it started off really cool!... this dude doing crazy hand stands; one handed hand stands; pretty much just embaressing every man in the crowd with his amazing upper body and core strength!

also there were tons of crazy people dressed as bugs walking through the audience

.. errr they were part of the show right?

what show?


but forreal it was alot of fun to watch.

crazy trapeeze artists ( is that how you spell it) and how come THEY"RE the only ones consiedred artists? what about ppl who jump around on trampolines ( is THAT how you spell it?) or acrobats? how come its not acrobat artists?


WE NEED a Martin Luther King for Circus Ole!! ( more like a martin luther Queen ZIIIiiiiiing!!!!)

(Uh UH!!!! Shanay-nay Career NOT OVA!!! I GOTTA DREAM TOO OKAAAAAAY!!!.... when Bad Boys 3 commin out?)



anyways whatevers..... im not gonna lie to you?.. that shit is fun to watch for about 45 minutes. but after that?

im not gonna lie to you.. it gets bit repetitive; Its only entertainig for so long before you're like.. auhhh okay i get it... you can do 10 backflips in a row; doing 20 is not going to impress me anymore....

I will say that the really fun parts where the comedic ones with the over-weight oprah beatle and the overly slim geek-roach. There non-verbal communication was pretty fun to watch. But again i've seen some Disney movies and cartoons that do a much better job.

(A Scene from the "Precious" Broadway show)

BUT i will say this in closing. If you've never seen a circus ole show? (more like circus o-gay) ....excellent.... you should REALLLY check out it .... the whole venue had great seats just grab a $30 tick.

but if you wanna ask me if I"D go again?

imma have to deeeeeeeeeeecline.

unless some super hot chick asks me to take her

( and we both know thats not going to happen)

4 Ovos outta 5

1 comment:

K2 said...

this isnt a movie!