Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Sixth Film of Christmas: The Day the Earth Stood Still

"hmm.... are aliens TRULEY the evil ones?"

or are we as humans so fearful of what we DO not know.. that we are SELVES are the TUREEEEE aliens HMMMMMmmmmm?????




LOL... thats kinda how the plot goes.. i mean.. it was a cool idea.. but its super layered under hella special effects dramatic army confrontations, and some guy who's like

" DEAR GOD mr. PRESIDENT!!!.. if my calculations are correct.. - and I wear glasses so they always are- We have.... 24. 97 seconds to LIVE!!!!"

LOL.. it was also funny bc they didn't actually SHOW the president?.. instead they only have secretary of defense played by " cathy bates"

.. you know.. in retro-spect in cases of pending alien invasions? I hope Obama doesn't leave all decision making to Hilary Clinton...

Bc Cathy Bates is a real BEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WORD!!.. and I dont mean Bitch..if you know what im saying?

... uh.. if you dont mean bitch? .. then i DONT Know what your saying..

oh no.. wait... i DOOOO mean bitch then....

or as the kids say theese days.. " BEEEE-OOOOOTCH"
nah.. but forreal it was actually remotley interesting.. Jennifer Connley is Beautiful, Keanu Reeves is excellent at playing an emotion-less Drone, and Will Smiths son learns the true spirit of christmas.

This was basically Independence day w/ a little less special effects, a 40 foot robot, and alot more heart. OH!!..and like.. robot Killer bees.. that was kinda cool...

Even though this is BIG budget Hollywood.. i really enjoyed the underlying themes of the movie.. i thought they were pretty interesting. Speacial Effects wise?.. i didn't think it was TOOOO awsome..

so if you read the book and your a huge fan of the original.. OR you just like the name "GORT". and you want to hear people say it..

check it out in theatres..

but if you can wait?

.... rental..

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