Monday, December 15, 2008

You Know He's Gay Right?

So a friend of mine has got some pretty close connects to Hollywod..
[oooooooooooo OOOOOOOO!!!.. does he no Micheal Jordan?]

Mmkay first of all it’s a she,

Second of all Jordan lives in Chicacgo.. not all PEOPLE ON TV live in Hollywood

And third of all don’t interrupt me no more! (god your so rude sometimes!!)

Who is?

… anyways.. so she knows whats up on the Hollywood tip right? And its like everytime we Talk I end up being like…..“WHAAAAAAAAAAAAt.. what do you MEAN HE’s GAY!!??.. Isn’t he


Now I KNOW what your thinking.. “ uh.. duh.. u didn’t KNOW he was Gay?!..

you know what?


NO!!.. I didn’t!!

And You know what else?


EXCUSE ME for believing EVERYTHING A movie TELLS ME….

If a legend is blowing away Zombies with a shotgun; im not going to question weather or not he’s going home to his boyfriend instead of Jayda

If John Tucker pulls so many chicks he’s going to die … im not going to second guess if he washes his mouth out 50 million times like ‘ aughh I had to kiss a girl.. and I hate kissing girls…… also I hate that Katie Perry song “ I kissed a girl and I like it”.. kissing women is DISGUSTING it gives me nightmares’”

When Magneto uses his power of Magnetism to destroy the X men; you don’t assume he’s using that SAME power to undo some dudes belt buckle

Now.. belive me (or don’t.. I don’t care) when I tell you I’ve got nothing against the Gays… well except maby watching them make out.. (maby I should stop watching broke back mountain)


I Like my Actors playing these Pivotal roles (especially child hood classics or American Icons) to be SOME WHAT authentic!!

Zia.. it’s a movie.. its not SUPPOSED to be REAL!!!!


GRANTED I know a 65 year old Sylvester Stallone can’t beat up a 24 year old Dolf London.

I know Daniel Radcliff doesn’t really Know Wizard magic,

and I KNOW Arnold Swarchenaggar isn’t a time traveling robot from the future sent back to the past to protect john connor the last general of the Human resistence.. ( or IS HEEEEEEEE!!!)

The Idea of the Protaginist in any story is the idea that you have to become close to them. And at that point it sometimes becomes blurred who the person is,, and who the character is. The protagonist is responsible for leading you into the story; introducing you to other characters, and in essence being YOU! In the best movie the characters identify with the main character SO MUCH they cry when something bad happens to him / her because they feel like they ARE that person in THAT story..

And to find out that person is gay… it kind of kills the whole concept that the movie has set up (unless the main character was gay to begin with).. not bc “eww that gross” but because its like.. “ oh…. Man.. I .. I thought I KNEW “

As a director you want your protagonist to be as close to or “act” as close to the intial vision of the story as possible. And if the actor has a drug habit, a horrible divorce track record, even has done some jail time it may tarnish the film, (or actually add to it).. but being Gay? And playing certain roles? Its just too big of a leap…

I don’t want my protagonist to be all.. “ okay Jake.. time to suck it up.. and method act.. I KNOW kissing Angelina Jolie is ABSOLUTLEY DISGUSTING.. but suck it up an DO IT.. you’re a professional for god sakes!!!”

If I were a director..and im casting for one of my joints.. Im going to be like.. Hey.. are you Gay?... because listen… no offense… I know Captain America Looks Gay?.. but he’s not… and if it comes out that You are GAY.. but you some how got the Role of captain America anyways?.. I’m

Gonna get FIRED!

So if you are Thank you for your time.

Oh ZIA…. That’s not fair!!

Uhh.. yeah it is… check it… say there shooting a 2pac shakur movie…. If Jim Carrie showed up

would he get the part?..

Lets say we’re shooting a Bruce Lee Movie.. do you think Chris Tucker could show up for the role? ( actually that would be awesome) but NO!

But that’s different?

Why?.. bc gay can be hidden?.. and I can be lied to?..


Ya dig?

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