i.) have all the toys; and play none of the time
II.) have none of the toys, and play all of the time.
5.) In the end everyone will look like someones grandparents, so love someones soul.
6.) by the year 2079 you will be able to purchase a wife on " the internet V: Steve Jobs Jr.s Revenge". The purchase plan will allow the user to set the soon to be Mrs. apperance to their exact specification. Shipping and Handling will be free. Use bleow coupon code for free DD upgrade and 20% second purchase: XDDBOING79
7.) The opposite of Love is not Hate.. it is Indiferrence.
8.) There is no such thing as cool. It is a false image perpetuated by several commercial industries to encourage spending to reach a false ideal standard. In reality everyone trips over their shoe laces, reads comic books, or has accidentally farted in public. The sooner you realize you are NOT cool, and accept who you truly are the sooner you will enjoy life more.
9.) food never tastes as good as it smells
10.) The World will never remember your name. Do you remmeber Bill Russel? The name of the 17th president of the United Sates? My point is.. if you are going to do anything do it for yourself. Not the fame.
11.) Terminator 2: Judgement day is the best movie of all time.
12.) A man in excellent shape with a T shirt and Jeans has a more impressive physical apperance then a man with the latest designer clothes on who is in poor shape.
13.) If you do something you love you never have to work a day in your life. However, more likely then not other people want to do the SAME THING that you love doing because they love doing it also. This breeds competition. THUS in order to do something you love you must work very hard to beat out said competition. Vis Vee: You have to work very hard to never work a day in your life.
14.) To try your best at something and do poorly is not a failure. To never try is a failure.
15.) The world will laugh at you if you fail, and laugh with you if you suceed, but the worlds laughter can never hurt if you learn to laugh at yourself. Also the word laugh should be spelled "laff" or " laph".
16.) flip flops are gay
17.) Jokes are like UFO sightings; hilarious in real life.. but extrodinarily difficult to catch on film "you had to be there"
18.) You are not saving any money by purchasing $5.00 worth of gas on Monday and another $8.00 worth of gas on Thursday. Fill up your tank.
19.) "could have, should have, and would have" should be eliminated from the english language as it ensinuates the ability to go back in time to change the past. without the advancement of Doc Browns time machine the human being can only look to their past and look at the history of their accomplishments and follies and LEARN from them. Learn from your past to create your future.
20.) "reading is the single greatest accomplishment of humanity" the ability to learn through visual symbols, denoting histories experiences".. dont belive me?.. fine..
lets say you wanna build a house..... w/o reading anything?... get STARTED!
lets say you wanna build a house.. and you go to architectural school<--- is that what its called?.. and you read about frank loyd right and other architects.. by READING their trials and ERRORS you in a sense take on t heir personas and look through their eyes. benefiting from their sucesses and avoiding their failtures. <--- Im not sure if sawing a lady in half is magic.. but im sure THAT is.
21.) The most important questionw you will ever ask yourself is "why?"
- want to drink? no?... "WHY?"
-want to smoke? no? "why?"
-want to cut your hair this way ? "WHY?"
-you like that song?" WHY?"
to answer the great " whys" of life is to define ones identity. The sooner you can answer every why in a stream lined semi- non-contadictory manor you have defined yourself as a human being and as an individual.
22.) Life is not a battle of "good" and "evil" anymore. with modern convienences and scientific advancements it is a question of "character" or "convienence" (convienence vs chracter) dont get it?
- lets say you sell you discover Bannas in say Guatamala, and you want to export them to the United States? and your making BILLIONS upon BILLIONS Of dollars.. now THATS convienent
- lets say the Guatamalan indeginous people want a peace of the deal, you have poor moral CHARACTER, and want to keep that money for yourself instead of sharing. So you wage a genoicdal war on "The Banana Republic".
23.) Boobs are good.
24.) Not unlike the Jungles of Africa; the Public Restroom is a strange and untamed place where shocking experiences can happen on a whim, and unexpected occurences are expected.
25.) The Nike Swoosh is the coolest visual cue of all time.
26.) People will always clamour and complain for something new. But when you give them something new they will claimour and complain about how wierd it is.
27.) falling asleep is AWSOME.. waking up SUUUUUuuuuuuucks!!!
28.) There is no need to try to " fit in" bc there is nothing to " fit into" aside for your grave.