Thursday, November 13, 2008

Face Book?!... more like LAME BOOK!!!

yo wassup with the FACT that over the course of Ramadan I accquired like 71 peoples on my " Teh Ramadan Chronicles" Blog (yes i KNOW it was spelled in correctly. .it was a mistake!) .. and NOW.. that im tryna start my OWN ish..and let everyone on there now.. it says like.

"blah Blah Blah.. you are spamming other users!!.. you have been warned do not do it again!!"

1st of all... im not spamming!!.. ( well technically you are).. okay YEAH!!.. we're not talking bout Technically we're talking like.......... however it feels..

and secondly... why you gotta be all mean!.. why can't it be like..a good friend who doesn't want you to wear your shoes in his house.. but is like.. too shy to tell you.. " soo..... um........Zia... wassup man?... listen............. about the spamming... i mean.. ITS TOTALLLLY cool.. dont get me wrong.. i LOVE spamming!.. I spam all the time!!.. dude.. in the bathroom?.. its like a spam-athon!!

i'd SPAM ALLLLL day if it were socially acceptable...

but..... like............ i mean.. pshh.. OTHER ppl?... can.. kinda be squares.. you know?.. so like.. just while there around?.. could... you know?.. yeah?.. ahh yeah. THANKS man.. I KNEW youd understand.... yeah I was like.. " oh man.. i hope he doesnt' get MAD if I say anything".. but i know your hella cool.. so it woudln't be a probl-.. huh?.. SURE!!. yeah.... heres 10 bucks!!!.. NP.. huh?.. um... Thanks.. yeah i GUESS my girlfriend is attractive.. uhh.. ha ha.. um.. what?... her phone number?.... wai... Nah NAH.. im not being a square I PROMISE.. yeah here it is heres my girlfriends phone number..... okay...

my car keys?.... no.. its not clean-. im sorry i didn't have time to get it washed.. NEXT time?. NEXT TIME FOR SURE!!!.... yeah here are my keys!!.. The Gas tank?.... its on half.... huh>. no don't even worry about it.....yeah You can Bring it back empty.. ?.. HUH/.. ahh jeez.. i really dont like ppl smoking in... NO NO.. okay yeah.. sure go ahead.. im sorry.. im just alergic.. but i'll get over it.. you want to borrow my lighter?

dont cal my girlfriend tonight?.. wa-.... you'll have her back really late?.. um.. o.. okay... yah.. dude.. thats totally cool... hey thanks again for not spamming!!

okay. ill.. see...........

he's gone.


see whats wrong with an Error message like THAT?!

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