Saturday, November 15, 2008

From Bad To Badder....

So... we had several things planned for my boy Umers Bachelor party last night. MY PERSONAL HIGHLIGHT was the purchase of his Nintendo Wii. IRONICALLY (and foolishly) enough he had purchased this gaming console w/o first owning a TV... problem right?

WRONG!!!.. I've got a telvision!!!!

so; b4 i go to work on Friday Morning I LUG down my seeminly light 22" -Daewood- ( i dont even know who told them they could MAKE TVs...) * hey shut up fool; you BOUGH it!!!*


but eitherway.. man is it not light... i use every MUSCLE in my BODY to lug this massive crap piece of electonics down to my accord... to ONLY realize it doesn't fit. *argh!*


I burn another 40,000,000,000 calories lugging it back up stairs. (take THAT love handles!) After THAT i come back downstairs to go to work only to find -low and behold- the clutch on my Accord had burnt out...

*double sigh*

* see more of THAT under bad days good nights... or whatever..*

ANNNNNNnnnnnnnnnnyways... i get the car towed to the shop; fortunatley my pops car was JUST finishing up so i take HIS car BACK to my house to LUG this stupid TV back down..

im SWEATING and PANTING like a Christy Alley walking to her mail box.

Anyways... so i go to work... write a few blogs; post a few deals; b4 you know it its 6!!

and im like Fred on the opening credits of the Flinstones!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaba DABBBBBBBBBBBA DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo!!!

LOL.. btw.. you ever wonder like where that phrase comes from?... like... was that a saying in the 70s.. or 60s .. or whenever that time period was current?

or are there a bunch of corporate ad execs like.." this show is GREAT.. its just msising that.. "catchy" something.. we need a marketable -tag line-

Dr. Yaba; professor Daba... do you have any ideas?..... WAIT A MINUTE!!.. i've GOT IT!!! " Scooby Dooby Doo!!!"... wait.. isn't that taken?

HEY WAIT A MINUTE!!!.. those are both ODDLY SIMILAR!!!.. Hm.. I think Hana Barbara is trying to pull one over on us.

eitherway.. this discussion has brought to attention a blarining in-adequacy in my life... i dont say anything interesting or unique when I get excited!.. im just like.. " aww man thats awsome". or something..

lame.. I need to work on that..

.. uh. .yeah.. so anyways.

what was I talking about?


So...... Im driving my Daweoo filled Nissan (that sounds kinda gross); "either gross or like a Dessert"

watier... i'll have your finest food stuffed with your SECOND finest food

*very well; Nissan stuffed with Daewoo*


dude.... dont interupt me with stupid stuff like that.

alright.. so anyways.... Im driving my "NISSAN stuffed DAWEOO" over to pick up Umer; and we role to SF... (btw..he picks up Mario Smash brothrs instead of Mario Galaxy... YEAH!.. NOT THE SAME THING!!)..

anyways.... so we go to lift this crazy heavy TV... fumbling and steping on each others feet; trying to contain our laughter and focus our energies on lifting this stupid piece of crap.... and for some reason its not moving.

we get it out of the car as AWKWARDLY as humanly possible... so far so good.. well NOW we've got to close the door. Umer gives it a swift kick closed... no luck... I attempt a similar karate manuever... * nope*

alright... lets sit this stupid TV down.

ahhhhhhh SLAMMED shut..... LETS DO THIS!!

alright.... for some reason we're still not moving : umer are you stepping on the chord?

uh.. NO IM NOT!!!

the CHORD is STUCK in the DOOR!! DAMNIT!

we set th TV down again; open the door; get the chord out... and slam it shut...

we get to the front door of his aparment set the TV down open the door; pick the tv up; bring it inside and shut it... aight.. NOW we've got the rhythm down!!!

now the elevator hit the button open the door pick the tv up bring it inside; and shut it... WE're GENIUSES!!!

the elevator goes up.. and the TV!!!.. DRAGS along the elevator FLOOR!!. anhd SLAMS into the elevator DOOR!!!.... OHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh SHIT!!... the CHORD isn't inside the elevator!!.. and was being PULLED down as we went up!!!



The plug was cut off.....

all that was left of it was some bare wires....

............. and just like the wire had been stripped of its rubber inslated protector...

so were my dreams of playing Wii that evening.

the rest of our nights were enjoyable to say the least.


there is NOTHING more i wanted to do was play some Mario Kart :(

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